
The checking items after installation of concrete batch plant

The checking items after installation of concrete batch plant:
(1) If the concrete batch plant mixing host belong to fixed concrete mixer, This equipment should be in the strong pedestal, if long-term use, should be buried anchor bolts, if short-term use, should be laid in the machine under the wooden pillow and leveling stable.
(2) If the batch plant mixing host belong to mobile concrete mixer shall be provided on a flat, solid floor with a wooden or support frame and adhered to the level, forbidden to support instead of tires, and for a longer period of time Month) should be properly unloaded tire, the shaft end should be clean and rust-proof operation.
(3) Transmission organization, operating equipment, clutches, brakes, should be fastened reliable .
(4) The body on the hook, hopper hanging ear should be no shortage, when the hopper rises, should be linked to a stable hook.
(5) On the need to dig the hopper on the pit of the concrete mixer, the pit around the pad should be tightened, the bottom of the material track frame should also be tampered or tiled behind the use of wood to support to avoid long time, trajectory Deformation.
(7) The ready-mixed concrete mixing plant mixing host should be set up shelter, no mud around the mechanical, clean and structured, all kinds of cards thoroughly.
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