
How much does a HZS120 concrete batch plant cost

How much does a HZS120 concrete batch plant(belt type concrete batching plant) cost?

The price of HZS120 concrete batch plant including Pre-entry ,site selection and location.

Initial investment of HZS120 concrete batch plant:

1, the production line, two 120 on it;

2, a trailer concrete pump (if there is additional demand can be rented or sought to support), mixer trucks 10 cube (can be rented or seek to support);

3, raw materials, pre-capital of about 1 million yuan.

In summary,180 × 2 + 220 +40 × 10 +100 = 1080 (million) up to 11 million it! The The For the choice of raw materials, I think it should be based on local resources.

Site selection is important for commercial concrete mixing plant.

Commercial concrete mixing plant radiation should not exceed 50km, because the distance is too far on the cost of transport and concrete quality has a very negative impact. Therefore, the geographical location of the the supply of concrete should be located within 50km. If possible, as close as possible to their customers.

Concrete batching plant staff:

A good concrete batching plant operator on the long run of the machine ride to a great effect. Involved staff positions are: managers, operators, technical staff (including quality inspection and laboratory personnel), other positions candidates also need to be very cautious.
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