
Preparation of concrete batch plant before removal

The removal of concrete batch plant equipment is not taken for granted, and the proper removal of concrete batch plant agitation plays on a decisive role in the subsequent installation and management of the equipment.

So what you need to prepare is:
1, To understand the construction site, according to the situation of construction site to prepare the demolishing scheme local lifting equipment situation.
2, Equipped with good demolition workers, construction machinery and equipment and instruments, materials.
3, Before the demolition of the batch plant equipment and parts of the number, the operating personnel to carry out detailed security technology to the end, the operating staff must be familiar with the drawings and removal program, in the demolition process must do a detailed record.
4, Demolition of construction site, road level off, rolling, solid obstacles removed, in order to meet the lifting equipment and transportation equipment in appearance and work conditions.
5,The project department arranged to remove the workplace and the components of the site to watch the field, so as not to concrete mixing plant equipment loss and damage
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