
The suitable mixing host for small concrete batching plant

Small concrete batching plant widely used for civilian buildings, roads, etc., The most populal models including:hzs25 concrete batch plant and has35 concrete batch plant, so what is the commonly used mixing host models to small concrete batching plant?

Small concrete batch plant HZS25 station commonly used the mixng host model is JS500, HZS35 station commonly used the mixing host model is JS750.

HZS25 concrete batch plant, its maximum productivity can reach 25 cubic feet per hour, forced concrete mixer JS500 theoretical productivity is greater than or equal to 25 cubic per hour, so it is very suitable for it to do HZS25 concrete batch plant mixing host The Both can save costs, but also to meet the needs of HZS25 stations.

Similarly, HZS35 concrete batch plant should be supporting the productivity can reach 35 square feet per hour mixing host, JS750 just to meet their needs.
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