
Mixing knowledge of concrete batch plant in details

Concrete is the building, bridge, high iron and other important materials, the quality of concrete requirements are relatively high. High-quality concrete can not be separated from the professional concrete batch plant equipment, which requires a professional concrete batch plant and professional batching plant manufacturers to provide. The concrete batch plant is made of mixing engine, material weighing system, material conveying system, material storage system, control system composed of five major systems and other ancillary facilities of building materials manufacturing equipment.

The mixing host equipment is mainly used is dual-axial JS series concrete mixer, the model mainly including: JS500, JS750, JS1000, JS15000, JS2000, JS3000

The main equipment is PLD800, PLD1200, PLD1600, PLD2400, PLD3200, PLD4800, batching machine can be produced according to customer requirements;

Control equipment is the concrete batch plant computer operating system, including water weighing, cement metering; material storage equipment is a bulk cement warehouse / bulk cement tank, according to user needs to purchase the appropriate number, mainly 50T, 80T, 100T, 200T, 300T ; Conveyor equipment for the screw conveyor, belt conveyor; finished transport equipment is mainly concrete mixer truck.
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