
How to choose the models of concrete batch plant

How to choose the models of concrete batch plant: According to the size of the production scale to determine the production capacity of concrete batch plant. How much concrete is needed to see the total amount of concrete? How long is the duration?

For example:

If the annual output of about 20 million square, concrete batch plant equipment productivity at 90m3 / h, select HAOMEI production HZS90 type concrete batch plant. If the annual output of 20 million to 30 million square, the general production capacity of concrete batch plant equipment is generally 120m3 / h; select HAOMEI production HZS120 type concrete batch plant. If the annual output of more than 300,000 square, concrete batch plant productivity is generally 150 m3 / h or 200m3 / h, select HAOMEI production HZS180 / 240 type concrete batch plant equipment.

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