
Did your concrete batch plant works overloaded

Many batch plant operator in order to catch the progress of the project to make concrete batch plant overload, this is a very dangerous thing, will bring great damage to the mixing equipment.

Did your concrete batch plant works overloaded?Let's take a look at the harm it brings.

1. In general, the wear of parts of a concrete batch plant increases proportionally as the load increases, and the wear is exacerbated when the load on the part is higher than the average design load.

When the other conditions are the same, the stability of the load is lower than that of the concrete batch plant under the dynamic load. The experiment results show that the engine will wear and unload under the unstable load and the stable load. 2 times larger.

3. Under normal load the engine, the failure rate is low, and life expectancy. On the contrary, the overload of the engine, the failure rate increased significantly, life expectancy will be less than the design index. Often in a wide range of load changes in the mechanical wear is greater than the continuous and stable operation of the machinery. Under normal circumstances, the generator used by the engine than the bulldozers, excavators and other engines to use longer life.

It is recommended that customers in accordance with the instructions reasonable use of the concrete batch plant, if there are any questions or other problem can contact me at any time (Email:sarah@concretebatchplant24.com)freely.
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