
Fully automatic and semi automatic concrete batching plant

Do you know the difference between fully automatic concrete batching plant and semi automatic concrete batching plant?Concrete batching plants flexibility is better, and now many people will choose to use it.

The advantage of the fully automatic concrete batching plant is that it is simple to control and easy to operate. As long as the button is operated by hand, all the work will run on its own. Everything will be done by the screw conveyor without the need for hands of the completion,the whole process to complete only one step can be completed, fully automatic concrete mixing plant can not only simple operation to complete the task, but also save a lot of cost. However, to buy a fully automatic concrete mixing plant than semi-automatic concrete mixing plant to be more expensive, that is to say higher cost of pre-cost.
Semi-automatic concrete batching plant relative to the automatic concrete batching plant on the lower cost in early stage, you can save a lot of money for the early, but the operation is relatively troublesome, so the operation requires more manpower. More suitable for the low investment costs, relatively few funds early users.
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